Try Hugoflexible car insurance

Pay at your pace.
No down payments, no upfront fees.

Earn $8 when you finish your application

Freedom from
down payments

Buy 3 days to start! Earn $8 when you create an account and apply to Hugo.

Illustration of Hugo web application

A best-in-classexperience

90% of our users rate us as Excellent on Trustpilot.

Aug’22 Trustpilot rating

Hugo allowed me to pay for car insurance without going into debt.

Hugo helped me insure a car that I rarely used and saved me money in the process.

Using Hugo was a great experience. Very convenient and easy to use. Perfect for driver’s on a budget!

Paying for insurance by the day finally made insurance affordable.

Since I’m pregnant and a stay at home mom, saving money is a priority for emergencies.

Hugo wasn’t as intimidating as more known insurance companies.

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